The Douglas County Board of Commissioners (BOC) announce that the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Transportation and Air Quality Committee unanimously voted on Thursday, June 14, 2018 to approve more than 100 transportation projects in the Metro Atlanta area including Douglas County’s CMAQ federal grant application.

The Douglas County Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) federal grant application submitted by the Board of Commissioners for $4.8 million dollars with a $1.2 million dollar local match over a three year period was one of the projects listed for the vote. The next step is for the full Atlanta Regional Commission Board to take a final vote at its upcoming meeting on June 27, 2018.

BOC Vice Chair, District 2 Commissioner, and Chair of the Douglas County‘s Transportation Committee, Kelly Robinson said, “This was a major victory and milestone for Douglas County citizens. I am encouraged but not surprised by the approval of our plan to roll out a fixed route bus system.” Commissioner Robinson believes economics is a key to transportation.

“Economic development is a top priority for this administration which will help sustain the county’s future quality of life. This decision step by the ARC confirms we are aligned with the region’s focus and commitment to invest in transportation and transit.” Robinson gives thanks to the staff of the county for their hard work and to the public for their active input into the process.

“These projects address some of the most significant local transportation needs and will help people get where they need to go safely and efficiently,” said Doug Hooker, ARC Executive Director. “This will improve our region’s quality of life and strengthen our economic competitiveness.”

For more information, you can contact Rick Martin, Director of Communications and Community Relations Department at 770-920-7303 or email at