An active PTVO at Carrollton Elementary School once again has provided a generous donation to the school, this time designed to encourage problem-solving play.

Laurie Anne Luckie, president of the CES Parent-Teacher-Volunteer Organization, said the PTVO recently purchased high-density foam building blocks for use on the playground.

“These new blocks will be used in constructive problem-solving play,” said Luckie. She said they were recommended to CES Principal Kylie Carroll by Dr. Mark Albertus, Carrollton City Schools superintendent, as a great addition to enhance children’s outside play time.

“Mrs. Carroll approached the PTVO about our support in this project and we unanimously agreed that this would be a great addition to our school,”  she said. Total PTVO contribution to this project – $6,063.73.

“The blocks are a tremendous addition to our recess time at CES,” said Carroll. “Aside from active fun, the blocks provide opportunities for building teamwork, creativity, and problem solving with all students.”

Luckie said there are two large carts used to take the blocks outside during recess and returned to the building following their use for secure storage.

The PTVO also provides other support during the school year. At the start of school, the organization awarded $50 stipends to each teacher for classroom use and also provides funding for the salary of a copy room employee who makes photocopies for teachers. Throughout the year, the PTVO also initiates teacher appreciation activities.

Fund-raising efforts for the PTVO include the popular Jingle Bell Jog 5K and Fun Run held in December, wrapping paper and other sales, plus PTVO membership fees.

“We are extremely grateful of PTVO’s ongoing support with innovative learning and play at CES,” said Carroll. “This relationship represents a true partnership.”


Micah, a student in Kristine Rowland’s kindergarten class, shows off the blocks.