Carrollton High School seniors Kendall Thomas, Mikyraa Dukes, and Austin Johnson attended the YMCA Youth Assembly, a three-day learning opportunity to bring the workings of the Georgia state government alive to high school students, held in Atlanta Nov. 11-13.
Each conference is led by teens elected to office by their fellow delegates. Volunteers from various state departments act as resources for the students while they debate the issues. These volunteers, along with state YMCA staff, help guide the students through mock committee meetings and procedures. Students debate and vote on the bills their fellow delegates have written and presented. Bills that pass in committee are then taken to the floor of the House or Senate for full debate and vote.
Kendall and Mikyraa participated as lobbyists and Austin worked in the Judicial Program defending cases.
During the assembly, youth hold the offices of governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the House. Participants also engage in campaigns and elections for officers who will serve during the following year.
Participants this year did not get to fully experience the state Capitol as in years past because the special Georgia legislative session Gov. Nathan Deal scheduled conflicted with the annual event. The various youth assembly sessions were held in other locations besides the formal Capitol chambers, but students still engaged in the full legislative process, said Sally Ingui, CHS Career Center specialist and one of the CHS youth assembly sponsors.
CHS seniors, from left, Kendall Thomas, Mikyraa Dukes, and Austin Johnson attended the YMCA Youth Assembly in Atlanta Nov. 11-13.

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