Following an extensive application and interview process, 10 Carrollton High School have been nominated to compete at the state level for Governor’s Honors.

The Governor’s Honors Program, known as GHP, is a four-week residential summer program for gifted and talented rising high school juniors and seniors.  Students who attend public, private, and home schools are eligible for nomination in one of 20 subject areas.

The nominees this year are Edward Bohannon, Ben Bradley, Katie Hoberg, Noah Kamishlian, Anna Lowry, Taylor Mancil, John Robert Ray, Mattie Steed, Janice Teal-Urquides, and Madison Webb. All of the nominees are juniors, with the exception of Katie who is a sophomore. Edward will compete in Social Studies. Katie and Ben will compete in Instrumental Music. Noah was selected for Engineering. Anna and Taylor will compete in Vocal Music and Mattie in Theater. John Robert was nominated for Math. Janice and Madison were selected for Science. Each student was nominated by one or more teachers in order to compete at the school level.

These students will now prepare for state, which also includes an application and personal interviews process. GHP finalists will be announced next spring and the program will be held June 16 through July 13 at Berry College in Rome.

Carrollton High School has a strong legacy of producing GHP finalists. Three CHS students were selected for the program in 2012 and 2013, four in 2014, one finalist in 2015, four in 2016, five in 2017, and two last year.


Ten CHS students cleared the hurdle to become the school-level nominees for the Governor’s Honors Program. From left are John Robert Ray, Anna Lowry, Mattie Steed, Taylor Mancil, Ben Bradley, Katie Hoberg, Madison Webb, Edward Bohannon, and Noah Kamishlian. Not pictured is Janice Teal-Urquides.