
Jan Johnson, President, Bowdon Kiwanis Club; Zeb Hand-Bowdon Work Based Learning Student/President, Bowdon FFA; Hand Wardlaw, Bowdon Work Based Learning Student; Marcia Morris, Carroll County Work Based Learning Coordinator; Ashton Davis, Bowdon Work Based Learning Student; Hannah Yates, Bowdon Kiwanis Club, school liaison.

Mrs. Marcia Morris, Carroll County Schools-Work Based Learning Coordinator, was the keynote speaker for the April meeting of the Bowdon Kiwanis Club.

Mrs. Morris highlighted the recent and upcoming activities in the Career, Technical, and Agriculture programs (CTAE) in Carroll County, and discussed the importance of student internships and career success. Zeb Hand, Hank Wardlaw, and Ashton Davis of Bowdon High School Work Based Learning shared what they have learned in their pathway and the great experiences that they have had on their jobs.

If you or your student would like more information about the program, please contact marcia.morris@carrollcountyschools.com or contact the counselor at at high school.