Conservatives for Clean Energy (CCE) Georgia congratulates Senator Randy Robertson and The Ray onthe signing of Senate Bill 95SB 95changes the maximum contract term between electric cities and their retail utility customers from 10 years to 20 years, for solar and wind energy only. This small change removes an artificial barrier to economic development in 39 Georgia counties. Special thanks to Governor Brian Kemp and his staff for their leadership in signing SB 95
From Executive Director Theresa Garcia Robertson
“CCE Georgia congratulates Senator Robertson and our good friends at The Ray for the signing of Senate Bill 95. We strongly support the goals of removing market barriers to access clean and affordable energy. Senate Bill 95 is a perfect example of a conservative approach to diversifying our energy resources and reducing costs. It also allows more companies with clean energy requirements to move to Georgia.”
Click here for more information on Senator Robertson
Click here for more information on The Ray
CCE Georgia 2019 Energy Poll by Glen Bolger
Conservatives for Clean Energy Mission
Conservatives for Clean Energy Georgia was launched in March of 2019. We have a simple mission, “To improve the lives of Georgians through more cost effective and cleaner energy. To promote free markets, more competition and a diverse portfolio of renewable energy resources to enhance our quality of life and to provide for our security.”