Georgia Labor Commissioner Mark Butler said Thursday that Carroll County’s unemployment rate and unemployment claims both fell in April.  

Meanwhile, the labor force and employed residents were both down slightly, preliminary numbers showed.

“We saw every region lower its rate and in most of these cases break its previous record,” Butler said. “If we can continue to grow our labor force, the future looks strong.”

The unemployment rate for April went down by 0.6 percentage points, settling at 3.1 percent. A year ago, the rate was 3.8 percent.

The labor force in Carroll County fell by 636 in April, bringing the total to 54,809. The number has inched down by 408 when compared to the same month a year ago.

Carroll County lost 282 employed residents in April, bringing the total to 53,087. The number is down 10 for the year.

Claims for unemployment insurance were down by 1 percent in April. They were down by about 12 percent when compared to the same month a year ago.

Employ Georgia, the GDOL’s online job listing service at employgeorgia.comshowed 402 active job postings in metro Carroll County for April.

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