1 in every 3 women have experienced domestic abuse in their lifetime. Whether it’s physical, verbal, emotional, psychological, or otherwise. All victims need a safe and trustworthy place to open up with other survivors and receive guidance for the next steps of their journey.

There is Hope is a support group for women dealing with, or who have dealt with, domestic abuse. This group will meet the second Wednesday of every month. Through There is Hope, women will come together and share their personal journey, while listening to others share theirs as well. There will be guidance for help and resources available at each meeting. Meetings are free to attend. There is no registration fee required.


Group meetings will be held at Tanner Medical Center (Carrollton) in Classroom 4 from 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Jan. 15th                            Wednesday, April 15th

Wednesday, Feb. 12th                              Wednesday, May 13th

Wednesday, Mar. 11th

For more information, please contact hopefulone807@gmail.com.