The Association of County Commissioners of Georgia arranged a conference call this afternoon with Governor Brian Kemp with Chairmen from all 159 counties.  Here are a few points I took away from the conference call that I believe Carroll County citizens would appreciate:

The State of Georgia has a new COVID-19 hotline. If you believe that you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to the novel coronavirus, please contact your primary care doctor, an urgent care clinic, or your local federally qualified healthcare center. Please do not show up unannounced at an emergency room or health care facility.


(844) 442-2681

  1. Be aware of private test sites and expensive fees.  Carroll County citizens can contact their local provider and their provider can request a free test based on symptoms.  Remember to call ahead to your provider’s office for an appointment.  Please do not show up at the ER or the doctor’s office unannounced. 
  2. Remind everyone to support your local small businesses in these trying times while practicing social distancing, no handshakes or elbow/fist bumps either and continue to wash hands!!! Stay home if you are sick.  Support drive-thru and take out delivery from restaurants. 
  3. As chairman, we need to spread the message (I’m asking the media to help with this message too) of asking the public to “buy into” this.  Government and Scientist cannot stop this virus right now but the community can by following the guidelines. 

He ended with reminding us that our senior citizens are our most vulnerable and we need our hospital beds available for those that become critical with the virus.