by Prissi Sullivan

Tanner Health System is working to stay ahead of the Corona Virus pandemic in Carroll County. Tanner advises all residents to shelter at home to stop the spread of the virus.

·       Only leave home for essential needs or emergencies.

·       You can go outside and take a walk. Just stay 6 feet away from others.

·       Avoid group gatherings and events.

·       Wash hands with soap and water immediately when you return home.

·       If sick, stay home.

·       Avoid inviting anyone into your home unless necessary.

·       Use technology to stay in touch with coworkers and loved ones.

According to Kelly Meigs, vice president of marketing, strategy, and planning for Tanner Health Source, following these guidelines is urgent and imperative to curb the rise of the covid-19 virus in Carroll County.

“We have to get this information out,” she stated, while urging everyone to forward it to their friends and neighbors.

 The hospital needs N95 masks. According to Paula Burke, at the University of Georgia Extension in Carroll County. “Recently, one of our poultry farmers donated 100 masks to the hospital,” she stated. “If you have a supply of masks on the farm you can part with, please consider donating them.” The masks must be in boxes or plastic wrap; they cannot accept loose masks. The masks may be brought to 303 Ambulance Drive, Carrollton from 8am-4pm.  If you have questions you can call Jody Boss at 770-812-9871.

        Other donations needed are:

·       Isolation masks

·       Isolation gowns

·       Face Shields

·       Other protective gear

·       Wipes and materials for disinfecting surfaces

All items must be new, unopened, and meet Tanner’s specifications. Before planning any material donation, please call the Tanner Foundation at 770-812-4438 or email to determine if we can accept it. Supply donations will be accepted at Tanner Foundation during normal business hours, 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., at 109 College Street, Carrollton, GA 30117.

If people would like to volunteer their sewing skills, Tanner is asking for help with surgical masks. Tanner will supply fabric and elastic; instructions and patterns can be found on Facebook under Tanner Health System Volunteers. Email to obtain the fabric either pick up or delivered. At the moment, there is a shortage of elastic. If you wish to use your own fabric, it must be washable shirt weight cotton. Finished products can be dropped off at 705 Dixie Street in Carrollton—the entrance to Tanner Medical Center or the Southeastern Quilt and Textile Museum at 306 Bradley Street in Carrollton. Be a Tanner Hero!