CARROLLTON, GA – Although the 2020 Georgia Student Technology Competition was originally cancelled because of the coronavirus pandemic, organizers were able to put together a virtual competition in its place. As winners of the regional competition Jan. 17, Carrollton High School students Kayla McGuinn and Jennifer Sanchez-Rodriguez were invited to participate and entered a video demonstrating the app they created, Piano Sights, ultimately earning them a third place state finish. 

Piano Sights is an Android app Kayla and Jennifer developed as a tool to help piano teachers create sight reading lessons for their students. The app will generate random musical bars to help piano teachers efficiently produce unique musical sheets for their students. 

The state contest was originally slated for March 14 at the Macon campus of Middle Georgia State University. Results of the virtual competition were released May 21.

“I have to give these students a lot of credit,” said Robby Blakemore, CHS computer science teacher. “I didn’t even know they had entered the contest once the competition was originally cancelled. They took the initiative and ended up state finishers!”