Sally remains a Hurricane with winds over 80 mph and continues to move to the north across the Florida panhandle and southern Alabama.  The storm is traveling at less than 10 mph and is expected to take a turn to the northeast toward Georgia later today and tonight.

Current impacts forecast for our area:

·         Primary Threat – Heavy rain/flood potential will develop tonight well ahead of the center of the storm.

o    Heavy rain moves in this evening (SW to NE) and will exit to the NE Thursday afternoon

o    Prolonged period of very heavy/tropical rainfall will quickly lead to Flooding and potential areas of Flash Flooding

·         Gusty winds 25-35 mph with higher gusts in the heavier rain bands

o    Expect some downed trees and power lines as soils become saturated tonight

·         Brief tornado possible south of I-20 overnight tonight into Thursday morning.  Greater tornado threat further south.

Rainfall totals forecast for our area through Thursday evening is within the 4 – 6 inch range with isolated higher totals possible in our area.

There is a Flash Flood Watch for our area in effect until 0800 hours Friday.

Please monitor this dangerous weather situation as it develops tonight into Thursday morning.

Please see the attached slides for additional graphical information.

We will provide additional information as it comes available.