Tanner Heart Care recently donated new AEDs to two Carrollton churches. If someone experiences a sudden cardiac arrest, an AED can provide a lifesaving jolt of electricity to restart a heart.

Pictured in the presentation to North Point Baptist Church are, left to right, Martin Wiggins, marketing strategy specialist with Tanner; Meri Wade, marketing project coordinator with Tanner; North Point lead pastor Lee Wimberly; and Kelly Meigs, vice president of marketing strategy and planning at Tanner.

Pictured at the donation to Primera Asamblea de Dios Carrollton is Wiggins; Meigs; Rudy Casia, pastor at Primera Asamblea de Dios Carrollton; Tanner cardiovascular services director LaQuinta Grizzard, RN; and Tanner employee and church member Yvette Sosa.
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