by Janice Daniel
The Carroll County Board of Education met on Thursday, November 21, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. for their regular monthly meeting. Board Members Bart Cater and Thomas Sizemore were absent.
Chairman Bryant Turner led the Pledge of Allegiance and offered the Invocation, as well as welcoming everyone to the meeting. “Hosts” were Cecelia Brown, principal of Glanton Hindsman Elementary andConnie Cook, Pprincipal at Mt. Zion High.
There was no Public Input and minutes of the 10/24/24 and 11/18/24 meetings were approved. Consent Agenda as prepared at the 11/18 work session was approved.
Superintendent Scott Cowart reported that over 300 students attended the High School Technology event held earlier this month, and that three (3) grants over $15,000 were awarded for the implementation of Computer Science Instructional Practices.
Cowart also advised that the TAD Joint Committee Final Meeting of the first year had been held, and said this committee has met five (5) times this year. He told the board that the City of Villa Rica has extended their moratorium on Multi-Family developments until May 2025, and the first financial report is due after the holidays. He said that several members of the community showed up at the TAD meeting.
There will be an advance board planning meeting on December 4th hosted by the School Nutrition Facility, and on December 12th and 13th Superintendent Cowart and Board Member Dr. Bernice Brooks will be attending the Annual Conference of the Georgia School Boards Association (GSBA) which will be held in Atlanta.
An announcement was made that the December work session will be combined with the regular monthly meeting on Monday, December 16, 2024.
Under Business Items, a motion was made by Board Member Lawana Knight that the board purchase 2.75 acres (tract #C06010037) located along Central High School Road in Carrollton for the amount of $480,059, contingent upon a due diligence period to review the suitability of the land for locating school facilities there. This motion was seconded and approved unanimously by the board.
Chairman Turner thanked Board Member Kerry Miller for keeping an eye out for land for sale that might be suitable for school needs.
The board did not hold an executive session (secret meeting, not open to the public) as they had no business (real estate or personnel) to discuss, so the regular meeting was adjourned.
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