by Janice Daniel
The Mayor and Council of the City of Carrollton met for a Special Called Meeting on Monday, November 18, 2024 for an executive session. An executive session is a secret meeting and not open to the public. The only two legal reasons to hold an executive session are when either real estate or personnel will be the topics of discussions. When they returned from executive session, council appointed Melissa Darden Griffin as Interim City Manager in a 4-0 vote.
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., they met again in a Special Called Meeting work session, where the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Betty Cason and the Invocation was offered by Finance Director Kevin Bush. Councilmember Brett Ledbetter attended via Zoom, but did not participate in voting.
Finance Director Bush explained budget amendments FY24, #15 – #17, stating that these amendments allow for the city to come into audit compliance regarding lease activity, grant activity and forfeiture distributions. These three budget amendments were approved by council 3-0.
City Engineer Tommy Hollard detailed the Johnson Avenue/West Ward Street Project, stating that the project entails placement of new 60-inch stormwater pipe to replace a smaller line and help mitigate downtown flooding. Holland added that streetscape work will be completed once the stormwater work is done, and that council will still have to award the project to a contract bidder once environmental engineering is complete. Holland advised that only one bid for the engineering services was submitted to the city, and that was Georgia & West, Inc. Cost of these services was not given during the meeting. This item was approved by council 3-0.
Holland also detailed the current ongoing capital projects in the city.
Community Development Director Erica Studdard discussed several rezoning requests that will be presented for a vote during the December 2, 2024 regular monthly meeting, and also advised that a UDO Amendment to design standards for single family dwellings and townhouse which the planning commission has approved, will be presented for a council vote on December 2nd.
Erica Studdard and City Manager David Brooks advised that several board appointments will also need to be made at that time.
Mayor and Council then went into executive session, and when they returned to regular session, a motion was made and seconded to amend the agenda by adding Transfer of Property (Parcel C03 0190001) located off of W. White Street to the Carrollton Redevelopment Authority. The motion passed 2-1, with Councilmember Bob Uglum in opposition.
Meeting was then adjourned.
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