by Janice Daniel
The Carroll County Board of Commissioners met for a regular monthly meeting Thursday, November 5, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., with District 3 Commissioner Tommy Lee absent. District 4 Commissioner Steve Fuller led the Pledge of Allegiance and offered the Invocation with a prayer for our military and all U. S. veterans.
In Public Comments, Diane Merrill of Roopville expressed strong opposition to a pending permit for rezoning to place a battery storage facility at 144 Glenlock Road, Roopville. Merrill said the property is currently zoned agriculture and a rezoning could set a precedent for threatening agricultural life and mar the beauty of the land. Merrill mentioned the numerous safety risks associated with battery storage units, fire hazards, environmental threat to life, poisoned land, contaminated water, and harm to wildlife. She stated that Carroll County does not have the facilities to handle such hazardous situations and the long-term effects would be too great for the community.
Under Zoning, Community Development Director Ben Skipper, presented Z-24-10-01 from applicant Stephen Hester, Parcel #112-0198 at 358 Gray Road in Commission District 4, request to rezone from residential to agriculture for the purpose of raising miniature cows and goats.
Dee Perry spoke in favor of this item, no one spoke in opposition. Request was approved unanimously by the commissioners.
Community Development Director Skipper also presented Item Z-24-10-02 from applicant James Kelley for 655 Frashier Road, where Kelley/Double K Enterprises, Parcel #131-0342/131-0340, wishes to rezone from Industrial to agriculture which will permit a use that would be suitable in view of the development of adjacent and nearby property.
Dee Perry also spoke in favor of this rezoning, and no one spoke in opposition. Request was also approved unanimously by the Commissioners.
Commission voted to approve the Consent Agenda prepared at the work session on 10/31/24.
The last item of business was a vote to approve Chuck Jones as a member of the board of appeals, followed by adjournment of the meeting.
Comments are closed.