In honor, of Mental Health Awareness Month, Carroll County Mental Health
Advocates (CMHA) is excited to invite all West Georgia first responders to the “Taking
Off the Cape” event on Tuesday, May 2, 2023. The event, which starts at 6pm, will be
held at the Tisinger Community Room of Carroll EMC and includes dinner and a special
presentation featuring Chief (Ret.) Patrick J. Kenny. First responders and guest (1) are
welcome to attend free of charge.

Chief Kenny has been a member of the fire service for over 38 years, and before retiring
in January 2021 served as the Fire Chief in Hinsdale and Western Springs, Illinois. He
was awarded the Fire Chief of the Year in 2004 by the Illinois Fire Chiefs Association,
Chief Emeritus status by the Executive Board of the Illinois Fire Chiefs Association in
2021, and the Fire Engineering/ International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI)
George D. Post Instructor of the Year Award for 2020-2021. He is the international bestselling author of TAKING THE CAPE OFF: How to Lead Through Mental Illness,
Unimaginable Grief and Loss. Autographed books will be available on site for purchase.

For more information, contact Lori Thomas at or (770)
830-2048 ex2184. Please RSVP with First Responder Name, Agency, and Guest Name.