Carrollton High School seniors who plan to become educators signed certificates announcing their intentions at a ceremony held May 16 at the Carrollton Board of Education.

Georgia Future Educators Signing Day, sponsored by the Georgia Department of Education and Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America, is an opportunity to recognize graduating seniors for their commitment to the field of education. According to research, 60 percent of teachers work within 20 miles of where they went to high school. However, only 5 percent of students indicated on the ACT® that they plan to pursue a career in education.

The signing day event serves as a catalyst to spark conversations with students about the benefits and rewards of becoming an educator and to emphasize the positive highlights of the teaching profession.

David Brooks, CHS principal, welcomed the students and their families to the signing event held at the Carrollton Board of Education office and thanked them for their commitment to serve in “and important and rewarding profession.” Following the tradition of CHS athletic, military and academic signings, the seniors were photographed with their families individually and as a group.

At the event, 15 of 22 identified Carrollton seniors signed letters of commitment stating they will devote their studies after graduation to pursuing a career in education. Of the 22, 10 plan to attend the University of West Georgia, three are headed to the University of Georgia, one each is going to Southeastern University, Coastal Carolina, University of North Georgia, Fashion Institute of Technology, Kennesaw State, Piedmont College, Georgia State, Vanderbilt University and Mississippi State.


Fifteen of 22 Carrollton High School seniors who have decided to study education in college signed certificates of intent at the Georgia Future Educators Signing Day May 16. Seated, from left, are Julia Whitlock, Melissa Lanier, Tyler Ragsdale, Elizabeth Ayers, Addie Robinson, Madison Grubbs and Caroline Baldwin. Standing are Savannah Pittman, Kaitlyn Rosencrance, Rebecca Davis, Pate Duncan, Daniel Lagos, Jeremiah Pierce, Danielle Gorman, and Nicholas McCoy.