The Carrollton High School Wind Ensemble has been invited to perform at this year’s Southeastern United States Honor Band Clinic at Troy University. CHS Band Director Chris Carr said this invitation is a special honor for any band, and that he is especially excited to see the Trojan band recognized in this way.

To be considered for the opportunity, Carr said the band submitted a recording and solicited letters of recommendations from the community supporters and band professionals.

“Our band members will benefit from instruction from internationally-recognized clinicians, perform in the official honor band, and have the opportunity to audition for scholarships,” said Carr.

The SEUS Honor Band Clinic will be held Jan. 31-Feb. 1 at Troy University, with the Carrollton Trojan Band performing one of those two days. For more information, visit the website


The Carrollton High School Wind Ensemble has been invited to perform at the Southeastern United States Honor Band Clinic early next year. Here, the band performs at festival this past spring.