The League of Women Voters of Carrollton-Carroll County announces the schedule for Carrollton Municipal Election Candidate Forums. There are 4 races with 12 candidates.

September 23rd – Monday, 6:30 pm – Wards 2 & 4 Race
September 24th – Tuesday, 6:30 pm – Ward 3 Race
September 25th – Wednesday, 6:30 pm – Mayoral Race

The location of the forums will be at the Carrollton Public Safety Complex, Court/Council Chambers, 115 West Center Street, Carrollton, Georgia. That is where the City Council meets in the back of City Hall.

Here is how the forum will be conducted. Full Protocols are attached. Candidates are required to read the Protocols before the Forum and will be asked to sign a statement that they have been read.

The Forum will begin at 6:30 pm. Candidates should be in their seats at 6:20 pm. A representative of the League of Women Voters of Carrollton – Carroll County will welcome all participants, give brief statements about the League, and introduce the Moderator. The Moderator will welcome the participants. The Moderator will introduce the Assistant Moderator, the Operational Chairperson, the Timekeeper, the League Monitors, the Media, and the Candidates, stating the office they are seeking. The Moderator will give a quick overview of the Protocols. The Moderator will encourage members of the Audience and Media to submit questions for use in the Forum. Notecards for that purpose will be given out by the League Monitors. Candidates will give prepared opening remarks of equal length in time as prescribed by the Moderator. The Moderator will ask for questions from the Audience and Media to be written and given to the designated League Monitors. The Moderator will begin with questions generated by the LWVCCC Voter Services Committee and proceed through written submitted questions from the Audience and Media. The Assistant Moderator will vet the questions, arrange the questions by related topics, combine duplicates, shorten them when appropriate, and give them to the Moderator. The Moderator will direct the questions to the Candidates and tell them the time constraints. Please note that all questions submitted cannot be answered in the time allotted. After the Q&A period, each Candidate will make closing remarks and or rebuttals of equal time as prescribed by the Moderator. The Moderator will thank the participants and bring the Forum to a close. Candidates are encouraged to speak informally with Voters after the Forum.

Please note in particular, the Protocols sate, “If a Candidate has an unexpected conflict and is unable to attend, he or she should notify the LWVCCC Candidate Forum Chairperson as soon as possible by phone. In the event that there are two Candidates running for the same office and one of those Candidates is not present, for whatever reason, that portion of the Forum will be canceled.  If the Forum has just that one office in contention, the entire Forum will be canceled. In the event that there are three or more Candidates running for the same office and one of those Candidates is not present, for whatever reason, the Forum will proceed with the remaining Candidates.”

If anyone has any questions, please email the League at