Title ‘Food Talk’ virtual series coming up
On Dec. 17, former U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson received the 2020 Georgia Farm Bureau (GFB) Commodity Award in a private presentation at his Atlanta office. The GFB Commodity Award, one of the organization’s highest honors, is given to individuals...
(ATLANTA)-A new analysis from MITRE Corporation’s National Election Security Lab, a non-profit that manages federally funded research and development in a number of areas including artificial intelligence and cyber threats, reports no suspected...
by Cristina Luisa deRevere for CAES News Thirty youth participated in the 2020 Georgia 4-H State Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging Competition sponsored by the Georgia Cotton Commission on Dec. 12. In previous years, this contest was held...
Atlanta, GA – The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) announced today that Georgia’s labor force reached an all-time high in November of 5.17 million. Additionally, the state saw significant increases in the number of employed residents and jobs....
2020 has certainly been a year for the books; one that has challenged our health, our thinking, and our collective willpower as a global society. And though there appears to be light at the end of the tunnel with the first vaccines arriving...
The new Carroll Campus of West Georgia Technical College has received a $250,000 boost thanks to the Gene Haas Foundation. The grant will be used toward construction of the Gene Haas Precision Machining and Manufacturing Lab, named for the...