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3175 Posts

Title Southeastern Quilt and Textile Museum offering a “Vessel of Flowers Collage Wool Applique Class”


The Southeastern Quilt and Textile Museum is offering a "Vessel of Flowers Collage Wool Applique Class" Saturday, May 14th from !0:00AM to 2:00PM.The class is taught by Laura Bosma and the cost is $45 which includes the kit. This is a great...

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Title Enlist nature’s help for managing garden pests


by Melinda Myers Put away the harsh chemicals and work in concert with nature to manage pests in the garden. Create an inviting habitat for nature’s pest controllers to enlist their help with your gardening efforts. Lady beetles, praying...

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Title Georgia marks lowest unemployment rate ever as wages increase statewide


Atlanta, GA - Georgia Labor Commissioner Mark Butler announced today that Georgia’s wages across the state are rising and the March unemployment rate dropped to an all-time low of 3.1 percent from February’s revised rate of 3.2 percent....

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